Ranbir Phaugat

The following grievance was registered by me more than five months ago but I have not been informed about the action taken in this respect, so far. Your intervention is requested please. -Ranbir Singh, 21.03.2023, 17.29 hrs.

8 September 2022
The Administrator/Estate Officer,
Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP/HUDA),

Subject: Assessment of damage and compensation therefore caused due to construction of multi-storey building on plot No.274, Sector-2, HSVP, Rohtak

Dear Sir,
Letters submitted by me on 12th June 2019, 6 November 2019, 19 November 2019, 7 October 2020 and 17 November 2020 to the above-named officers and received in your office may kindly be read along with Memo. No. CTP/DTP (L)/PT/128610 dated 28 July 2022 issued by the office of The Chief Town Planner, Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran, Panchkula, Govt. of Haryana. My letters may be traced in the files of your office and linked with this representation in order to have a complete view of the situation. I have preserved the copies of all my representation that bear signatures of the receipt clerk of your office and therefore don’t expect me to attaché copies for your convenience. You may have to trace them in your office that would indicate how best your file maintenance system has been.

The following is submitted for kind consideration and taking appropriate action:

1. None of my above representations was acknowledged by your office whereas action was required to be suitably taken under the existing rules and regulations framed by the Govt. of Haryana and desirable under the law of the land. In this context, I would like to draw you attention toward the Citizen’s Charter adopted by HSVP;

2. The responsibility of not sending to me appropriate reply as required in response to each of the above indicated representations under the existing rules, regulations and the law of the land was not fixed on officers for letting the representations and reminders languish as well as timely fixing the cause of the damage on the owner during raising of the building or after its completion on plot number 274, Sector-2, Rohtak;

3. A team comprised of representatives of authorities as indicated in the above noted Memo dated 28th July 2022 was not constituted and sent for inspection to assess the extent and nature of damage and consequential financial burden for affecting repairs caused to my house built in 2005 on plot No.275, Sector-2, HSVP at the time when the adjoining building was being raised on plot No.274, Sector-2, HSVP;

4. It may be indicated whether or not due notice of my 5 number of representations/reminders was taken in your office or not and, if not, reasons thereof may kindly be communicated to me within a period of 7 days from the date of receipt of this letter in your office.

The damage to my entire house was caused due to lack of perception of threat by appropriate authorities, which framed and included the new provisions in the Building Code and Byelaws for allowing construction of houses in urban sectors up to levels 4+ storey with stilts. The extensive damage caused to my house on plot number 275 in Sector-2, Rohtak was a direct result of the implementation of the amendment to the Building Code in Haryana introduced a couple of years ago, before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.

5. Due to delay for a considerable time in taking up the issue of inspection and fixing the responsibility of structural damages on the owner of the new building that he raised on plot number 274, Sector-2, HSVP, Rohtak, the repairs could not be carried out further resulting in stabilizing the old fractures and cracks and causing additional damages to the house that always posed threat to the life of the residents and immoveable assets in house number 275, Sector-2, HSVP, Rohtak. A certificate for structural safety of the newly raised building on plot No. 274 may also be attached with the reply for my satisfaction.
In view of the instructions issued vide Memo. Cited above dated 27 July 2022 by authority of the Chief Town Planner, HSVP, Govt. of Haryana issued with the approval of the honorable Chief Minister of Haryana, it becomes pertinent that a team be constituted as early as possible for inspection of the damages caused to my house and for assessing the extent to which it can be financially compensated for carrying out repairs in a safe manner at the cost of the owner of building raised on plot number 274.

A copy of the inspection report prepared by the team appointed by the HSVP may also be shared with me under the Seal of the authority by establishing the cause of damages with an explanatory note about the extent and nature of damages -whether or not permanent to the structural, to my house, and whether repairable or not and even adequately indicating it would be safe to keep the house in occupation and in use for the future?
Meanwhile responsibility on parties for laxity of action not initiated within a prescribed time-frame may also be fixed.

Yours sincerely
(Ranbir Singh)
s/o (Late) Sube Singh
275, Sector-2, HSVP, Rohtak-124 001
Formerly Public Relations Officer, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR),
Department of Health Research, Min. of Health and Family Welfare,
Govt. of India, New Delhi
Contact Nos. 8168956402, 9416051382